COMMUNITY GRANT PROGRAM Awards $82,123 in 2023
| The Council on Aging of Central Oregon received $3,000 for continuing support of the Meals On Wheels program in south Deschutes County. The program served 439 clients from July through December 2022 and there was no waiting list in March. Care & Community Share Outreach got $3,000 to provide monthly food boxes to persons experiencing food insecurity living in zip codes 97707 and 97739 from January- November They goal is to make the boxes protein rich. La Pine Community Kitchen got $5,000 to serve hot meals Monday through Friday to an average 600 people per month. Their mission is to feed and clothe the disadvantaged with dignity and respect and it is a hub for social service outreach in LaPine. NeighborImpact received $3,500 to support their food delivery program which is the hub of a vital regional foodbank serving many communities across Central Oregon. Our local agencies drive to the hub in Redmond to collect food. The Giving Plate was granted $5,000 for continuing support of the Backpack for Bend program for the students in south Deschutes County. The program provides food for the weekend for 217 students in the local schools. |
CASA of Central Oregon was awarded $6,000 to recruit, train and support community volunteers to advocate for the best interests of abused and neglected foster children in south Deschutes County. The CASA volunteer is often the only consistent adult in a child’s life during their time in foster care. Children with a CASA do better in school and find a permanent home sooner than those without a CASA. Currently CASA serves 95% (35/37) of children in south Deschutes County. KIDS Center got $4,000 to expand child abuse prevention training in south Deschutes County. The goal is to provide 6-8 trainings covering 4 different key abuse areas, with a minimum of 5 participants at each training in La Pine. KIDS Center is a regional hub for child abuse services and prevention training. MountainStar Relief Nursery was awarded $4,000 for the outreach program that supports families including home visits, diapers and wipes, groceries, gas and phone cards. Therapeutic classrooms are scheduled to open in La Pine in November 2023. |
![]() | Friends of the Children Central Oregon was awarded $10,000 to support a summer Literacy Camp for 16 newly identified La Pine kindergarteners, their siblings and one La Pine child previously enrolled in the program. Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Oregon received $5,000 to support a new Match Support Specialist which will enable 10 additional matches for children 6-18 years old. Sunriver Nature Center & Observatory received $5,000 to provide weekly, free, off-site, out of school programming during the school year to south Deschutes County students. This will impact 20-100 students per program which are primarily kindergarteners to fifth-graders. SMART Reading was granted $5,000 to purchase and deliver 14 books for every kindergartener in Three Rivers, Rosland Elementary and La Pine Elementary. Research shows that access to books in the home will support those children in meeting the third-grade reading benchmarks in Oregon. Three Rivers Archers was awarded $1,000 to fund 6 full youth scholarships for the winter and summer archery programs. This includes a 2-day camping trip to learn outdoor self-sufficiency skills. La Pine Elementary School was granted $5,000 to support field trips for all students grade K-5 (about 420 students). All field trips are matched to state learning standards. Each grade level will have at least two field trips. South Deschutes Volleyball Association was given $1,500 to pay fees for 4 players and cover costs of additional equipment for those players such as elbow and knee pads. SDVA is outside of school sports league. SDVA includes 65-70 girls in south Deschutes County ranging in ages from 10-16 years old. Sunriver Music Festival was granted $1,000 to purchase a subscription to Mindful Musical Moments, from The Well, for Three Rivers, Rosland and La Pine Elementary schools. Data will be collected on changes in positive social behaviors, aggression, and math. Three Rivers Elementary was awarded $1,638 to support field trips for all K-5 grade students (about 275 students). Each field trip is supported by the school music teacher and matches learning goals with the LessonPLAN program. |
The Habitat for Humanity of La Pine - Sunriver received $4,500 for continuing support of the Critical Home Repairs program that makes unsafe homes livable by providing health and safety repairs for families in south Deschutes County. This will serve 7-8 families St. Vincent de Paul La Pine received $6,000 to provide propane to families living below the poverty line. This allows about 30 families 50 gallons of propane. | Photo from Habitat for Humanity of La Pine - Sunriver |
Sunriver Care and Share Outreach was granted $1200 to include hygiene products in all monthly food boxes.
La Pine Community Health Center was awarded $1785 for emergency needs fund to cover items that insurance would not cover and patients could not afford. Examples include drugs, blood pressure cuffs, and baby shampoo.