COMMUNITY GRANT PROGRAM Awards $70,670 in 2022Thanks to all who volunteer at fundraising events, who sponsor fundraising events and who donate directly.
Photo from Sunriver Care and Share Outreach | The Council on Aging of Central Oregon received $5,070 for continuing support of the Meals on Wheels program that helps older adults remain independent in their homes for as long as possible. Volunteers delivered nutritious meals to 146 seniors and performed wellness checks, reducing social isolation. The grant supported expansion of fresh meals to south Deschutes clients one day per week. The La Pine Community Kitchen received $5,000 to deliver hot meals five times per week, open their food pantry twice a week and operate a clothes closet. They served more than 11,000 meals to over 3500 individuals in the first 9 months of 2022. The 1017 Project was granted $5,000 to provide 20,000 servings of ground beef to entities providing food to hungry residents of south Deschutes County. The Giving Plate was awarded $3,500 to provide weekend food backpacks to about 200 students in south Deschutes County which represents about half of the Backpacks for Bend program. Sunriver Care and Share Community Outreach was given $3,000 to fill food boxes once a month. They serve about 300 people a month. |
CASA of Central Oregon was awarded $6,000 to recruit, train and support community volunteers to advocate for the best interests of abused and neglected foster children in south Deschutes County. The CASA volunteer is often the only consistent adult in a child’s life during their time in foster care. Children with a CASA do better in school and find a permanent home sooner than those without a CASA. Kids Center received $5,000 to support comprehensive child abuse evaluation services to an estimated 25 children living in south Deschutes County. MountainStar Family Relief Nursery received $4,000 for its Outreach Program that serves approximately 30 families in the La Pine area. With almost a decade of outreach service experience in La Pine, MountainStar is establishing a permanent site with two therapeutic classrooms there. Friends of the Children Central Oregon was granted $5,000 to empower youth who are facing the greatest obstacles. Trained mentors work with a kindergartener in south Deschutes County for 12 years. Mentors help the most under-resourced children develop the relationships, goals, and skills necessary to break generational cycles of poverty, abuse, and violence. Every Child Central Oregon plans to use $3,000 to recruit new and support existing general foster family placements in south Deschutes County using a model that was recently successful in Jefferson County. |
Photo from SMART Reading | Three Rivers School received $5,100 to send kindergarten through 5th grade students to at least two LessonPLAN programs at the Tower Theater and to bring in two performances for all grade 3 through grade 8 students, thus providing an enriching arts opportunity that many students would not otherwise experience. Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Oregon received $5,000 and immediately opened a program at the La Pine Senior Center. Mentors (aka Bigs) spend 6-12 hours per month with their mentees (aka Littles) engaging in activities they both enjoy. This pilot program will begin with 5 matched matched pairs. This mentorship program will impact Little’s attendance in school, strengthen their mental health and make them much more likely to graduate from high school. The Central Oregon Youth Compass Program, run by the Central Oregon Intergovernmental Council and East Cascades Works, was awarded $5,000 to fund intern wages for students identified at risk of dropping out of La Pine High School. The students’ jobs are linked to completing GED or alternative high school diploma programs. SMART Reading was granted $3,000 to purchase and deliver 14 books for every kindergartener in Three Rivers, Rosland Elementary and La Pine Elementary. Research shows that access to books in the home will support those children in meeting the third-grade reading benchmarks in Oregon. The Assistance League of Bend was awarded $1,000 for Book Buddies, a new literacy program under the Operation School Bell umbrella. Through a partnership with the Scholastic Book Company, book packs will be distributed to students at all three elementary schools in south Deschutes County. They hope to distribute the book bags at reading days staffed by ALB volunteers. |
The Habitat for Humanity of La Pine - Sunriver received $4,000 for the Critical Home Repairs program that makes unsafe homes livable, providing health and safety repairs for families so that low-income residents in south Deschutes are able to stay in the home they already own. The program made over 80 repairs in 2021. This grant funded three to four repairs in 2022. St. Vincent De Paul of La Pine provides a broad range of social services, including food, clothing, utility funds, propane, emergency shelter, personal hygiene items, showers, and more to anyone in need but also to many who are houseless. A grant of $3,000 was awarded to provide help with propane and utility bills. |