Wild Apricot Training
When: 9/25, Wednesday, 4 - 5:30 pm
Where: Crescent Room, SHARC
Whether you’re a new member, a long-time member or somewhere in between, the club’s Wild Apricot membership software makes it easy to connect with other members, learn about upcoming events, sign up for events, add them to your calendar.
Whether you’re on your computer or using the app on your phone, there are so many benefits to learning how to use Wild Apricot to enhance your membership experience and take advantage of the many programs available.
Registration is required so we can be sure to have enough seating for everyone.
Bring your smart phone and/or your computer – we will have members on hand to help you navigate and answer your questions.
Please note: Prior to the training please be sure you are able to log into the Sunriver Women's Club website using your email and password. If you don't remember your password, please get your password reset prior to the training to save time. We also recommend checking the "Remember Me" box when you login.
Kris Besson will lead the training. You may contact her for help any time at WildApricotSupport@sunriverwomensclub.org.